COA Review

Certificate of Appropriateness

Selma is home to four designated historic districts – Icehouse Historic District, Old Town Historic District, Riverview Historic District, and Water Avenue Historic District.

To preserve and protect the city’s historic character, any proposed material changes in appearance to a designated historic property or a property within a historic district, including new construction, alterations, or demolition, must first be reviewed and approved by the Selma Historic Development Commission. The commission determines whether the proposed changes will be appropriate or inappropriate for the historic property or district based on the established Design Guidelines.

All applicants for review must complete a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) form and attach supporting documentation. 

Please visit our FAQs page to learn more about COAs and the commission’s review process.

COA Form

To fill out the form electronically, select the box to the left and fill out web form. Once done, select "submit" at the bottom of the screen. Someone from the Planning & Development will reach out to you within 48 hours. Shareable link below.

Design Guidelines.pdf

Design Guidelines

These guidelines provide preservation and rehabilitation guidance to COA applicants in Selma. Guidance is based on the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, available online through the National Park Service.

If you have any questions about the design guidelines and their application to your construction project, please contact us.